Warsaw Adult Education

It is Warsaw Adult Education's (WAE) time to shine! This Tiger Tuesday, we'll be highlighting how the incredible programs (HSE + ELL) make a HUGE impact through the leadership and dedication of the WAE Team. 

Let's dive in and learn more about how leaders, teachers, students, and community partners move the WCS Mission forward and support the 4 Strategic Plan Pillars: 

Empathy, Experience, Adaptability, and Inclusivity.

Watch the VIDEO Below to Learn More.

"Warsaw Adult Education allows students the opportunity to Change Their Lives Forever.  The quality staff and facility, at Ivy Tech, allow for a professional atmosphere with great results, 31 graduates already in only 4 months! Students are valued, challenged, and given the support necessary to allow them to pass the High School Equivalency test, sometimes in as little as two weeks! We are the "hidden gem" in the Warsaw Community Schools system." ~ Rick Swain, Career Coach

Students in the Warsaw Adult Education (WAE) English Language Learners (ELL) come from all across the globe! Here are a few recent countries represented:

Algeria, Austria, Brazil, China, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Nigeria, Puerto Rico, Spain, Thailand, and Venezuela.

Students in the English Language Learner (ELL) Program start off with a baseline assessment, make progress, and continue to receive certificates of achievement. Students not only enjoy the academic challenges, but they also build relationships with WAE staff and their classmates - they become “family" to support each other's goals and celebrate victories! 

Warsaw Community Schools would like to thank leaders, teachers, support personnel, students, community partners, and families for their support of WAE programs. The district's mission to inspire and equip all students to continuously acquire and apply knowledge and skills while pursuing their dreams and enriching the lives of others is evident in every classroom.

On this Tiger Tuesday, we celebrate Warsaw Adult Education for giving each person who enters their programs a warm and welcoming place that meets them where they are, supports growth, and celebrates each milestone. 

Please SHARE this information with anyone who would like to accelerate their education through the HSE or ELL programs at Warsaw Adult Education. 

Contact Diane Clark (dianaclark@warsawschools.org) or call 574.371-5019 (Warsaw), 574.223.1600 (Rochester)

#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw 
#wcsempathy #experiencewcs  #wcsadaptability #wcsinclusivity