Dual Language Immersion (DLI)

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What is DLI?

Dual Language Immersion (DLI) offers a rich bilingual experience for young learners when their minds are developmentally best able to acquire a second language in meaningful contexts.

Students enrolled in DLI spend half of their school day with a Spanish-speaking teacher and the other half with the partner English-speaking teacher. Rather than learn Spanish through Spanish language lessons, the Spanish-speaking teacher develops students’ Spanish literacy through the Kindergarten content. WCS’s adopted curriculum will be used and instruction will be divided between two highly qualified, caring, and creative teachers.

We have modeled our DLI program after the Utah Department of Education’s state-funded program, and we utilize their research-based model, resources, and best practices.

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Students learning in dual language immersion

How is the program structured?

The English-speaking teacher will teach reading and writing, as well as portions of other content areas (social studies, science, math) for half of the day. The Spanish-speaking teacher will use the other half of the day to teach Spanish literacy, mathematics, and portions of other content areas using only Spanish. From day one, the Spanish teacher speaks only Spanish and communicates using a wide range of engaging strategies including pictures, songs, games, body language, expressions, and drama. After a brief period, students will also speak only Spanish during Spanish class.

Students will receive seven years of dual language instruction and will become proficient bilinguals. Typically, immersion students develop greater cognitive flexibility, attention control, memory, primary language skills, and problem-solving. In addition, dual language immersion students are more aware and positive about other cultures and people.

To demonstrate Spanish proficiency, our 2nd through 6th grade DLI students take STAMP assessment every year. This a standardized Spanish proficiency assessment and collectively, our students outperform the target benchmarks in listening, speaking, reading, and writing!

Starting in 2023-24, the dual language immersion program will move to middle school, where our students will receive two Spanish courses. DLI Spanish 3 (a full year dual credit class) and DLI Culture, History and Media (to prepare for the Spanish AP assessment).

The continued success of Warsaw's DLI program is a result of the ongoing commitment and efforts of WCS’ school board, administrators, the DLI teachers and support staff, and the students and families.

How do students get enrolled?

All incoming kindergarten families interested in DLI must have pre-registration and registration completed by the dates listed below in order to be entered in the DLI lottery.

If families miss this kindergarten deadline (or are interested in joining the program in 1st or 2nd grade), they should contact the buildings directly to inquire about availability and waitlist information. Contact information can be found on the building website (links below).

Inscripción de DLI

KG DLI Registration

DLI Elementary Model

Elementary plan SPANISH



Beginning in August 2016, Eisenhower launched its one-way Dual Language Immersion program, offering students in Kindergarten and immersive experience in both English and Spanish languages. Now the program is offered K-6.

In the two-way DLI program, balanced numbers of English-speaking and native Spanish speaking students serve as the language models and learners. The program began in August 2018 and is offered to students in K-6.

Secondary DLI Plan

Secondary plan ENG

Secondary plan SPAN

Lakeview Middle School

Starting in 2023-24, the Dual Language Immersion program moved to Lakeview Middle School. 7th grade DLI students receive two Spanish courses; DLI Spanish 3 (a full year dual credit class) and one section of DLI Culture, History and Media (a four semester course to prepare for the Spanish AP assessment). 8th grade DLI students also receive two Spanish courses; DLI Spanish 4 (a full year dual credit class) and another section of DLI Culture, History and Media section B.

Warsaw High School

The Dual Language Immersion program is advancing to Warsaw High School starting with the 2025-2026 school year. 9th grade DLI students will take a full year of AP Spanish and the final two sections of the Culture, History and Media class. At the completion of their freshman year, they will complete the AP exam. Upon receiving a score of 3 or higher, they will enter into collegiate level courses. Students who remain on track and complete each of the 5 college courses will graduate high school with more than 20 college credits and a minor in Spanish.

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