Warsaw FFA recently competed in the Indiana 4-H/FFA State Career Development Events (CDEs) for the FFA Horse and Pony Judging CDE.
Students that participated in the Horse and Pony Judging CDE had to learn principles of horse and pony selection and evaluation and to develop the ability to make sound decisions based on observations and to defend these decisions verbally. Students were also able to appraise horses and ponies visually as a part of a sound breeding and management program as well as a means of evaluation in horse shows and contests. This year’s contest classes included placing Mini Pleasure Driving, Ranch Pleasure, Ranch Riding, English Pleasure, Mini Halter, Halflinger Mares, Half Arabians, and Ranch Horse. Oral reasons were presented on Ranch Horse, English Pleasure, Half Arabians, and Mini Pleasure Driving classes.
Warsaw FFA earned a 9th place FFA team ranking in the State in the Senior FFA Division. Individually, Alayna Alexander placed 16th, Gretchen Robinson placed 39th, and Natalie Hohman placed 45th.
The Indiana 4-H/ FFA State Horse and Pony Judging CDE contest was held at Hendricks County Fairgrounds on Saturday, May 4. Warsaw FFA Horse Judging Coach Kylee Robinson coaches team with assistance from Warsaw FFA Advisors- Mrs. Madelyn Kelsheimer and Mr. Jacob Riley.
FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.