Warsaw Community High School witnessed a celebration of school pride during its Homecoming festivities last weekend. The event showcased the outstanding students from various classes who were elected to represent their peers on the Homecoming Court.
The following outstanding students were honored as part of the Homecoming Court for the classes of 2027, 2026, 2025, and 2024:
Class of 2027: Kacey Mitchell, daughter of Mark and Jennifer Mitchell; Jacob Stofer, son of Bill and Jenny Stofer; Zecharias Wright, son of Brandon and Shanna Cannon.
Class of 2026: Regann Finch, daughter of Terri Tran and Jason Finch; Sofia Navor, daughter of Juan and Maria Sanroman; Parker Dippon, son of Nicole Poort; Brody Duncan, son of Derrick and Mandy Duncan.
Class of 2025: Leila Knepp, daughter of Andy and Shelly Knepp; Isabella Rozelle, daughter of Thomas and Pamela Rozelle; James Leiter, son of Dwayne Leiter and Katharine Nixon; Tanner Reynolds, son of Daniel and Jessica Reynolds.
Class of 2024: Mia Blocher, daughter of Jasun and Shannon Blocher, who plans to attend the University of Notre Dame and play rugby; Natalie Brown, daughter of Larry and Amber Brown, pursuing cosmetology school; Kaiden Pepper, daughter of Jodi and Casey Pepper, embarking on a gap year to Australia with Torch Bearers; Morgan Tuinstra, daughter of Andy and Julia Tuinstra, pursuing nursing at Huntington University with a focus on labor and delivery; Corbin Johnston, son of Scott and Julie Johnston, heading to Indiana University to study business; Connor Wagner, son of Andrea Wagner and Richard Wagner, enrolling in Grace College as he continues his journey to become an airline pilot; Reed Zollinger, son of Kellen and Calise Zollinger, embarking on a two-year mission trip with his church before studying engineering at BYU.
In a culmination of the Homecoming festivities, Mia Blocher was named the 2023 Homecoming Queen, and Connor Wagner was honored as the WCHS Homecoming King.
Warsaw Community Schools congratulates all the members of the Homecoming Court and extends a special congratulations to Queen Mia Blocher and King Connor Wagner.
Photo provided by Erin Leinbach: The Senior class Homecoming nominees lead the court out during halftime of the football game.
Photo provided by Erin Leinbach: Mia Blocher and Connor Wagner were crowned as the WCHS 2023 Homecoming Queen and King.