Today is Wednesday, January 12, 2022.
Lunch: Hot Dog with Mac & Cheese or Yogurt Meal, veggie juice, baked beans, sliced red apple, and milk.
Welcome back, Spartans! Today is Tuesday, January 11, 2022!
Lunch: Pepperoni Pizza Rippers or Turkey Sandwich, broccoli with cheese, veggie juice, choice of fruit, and milk.
We are so happy to see everyone!
We are so excited to see our Spartans today! As a reminder, we are now "mask optional" in the building. However, students who ride the buses are still REQUIRED to mask up while onboard.
If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to call the school office.
See you soon!
Join us next Tuesday evening, January 18th, for our Family LEGO Night, from 6–7pm in the cafeteria!
Mark your calendars now for Dads & Donuts, coming Friday, February 4, 2022!
Here's the Community Pool Schedule for January, 2022:
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw
Hey, Spartans! Don't forget to scan your grocery receipts for digital Box Tops for Education to earn CASH for our school! If you haven't downloaded the app yet, get all the info here:
POOL NEWS: Due to construction work around the pool area, open swim is cancelled for December 23 and Monday, December 27.
Sparty and Sparkles, our very own cafeteria elves, are always up to something mischievous!
Today is Wednesday, December 22, 2021 — Pajama Day!
Lunch: Hot Dog or Yogurt Meal, veggie juice, baked beans, sliced red apple, and milk.
Christmas Break: December 23rd–January 9th. January 10th is an eLearning Day. See you all back in the building on Tuesday, January 11th! We will miss you!
Today is Tuesday, December 21, 2021 — Christmas Dress-Up Day!
Lunch: Turkey & Noodles with dinner roll or Yogurt Meal, mashed potatoes, fresh baby carrots, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: Family Group activities.
Tomorrow: Pajama Day!
Today is December 20, 2021 — Late-Arrival & Twin/Triplet/Spartan Spirit Day!
Lunch: Street Tacos with a blueberry muffin or Yogurt Meal, Paradise Veggie Juice, mixed veggie blend, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: Fire drill; Citizen of the Month dodgeball @ 11:10; Boys and Girls Championship Games tonight at WCHS. Girls play at 5:00pm, and Boys at 6:15—$5 admission for adults.
Tomorrow: Christmas Dress-Up Day!
Spread the word! Jefferson's Boys and Girls Basketball Teams won their tournament games today, so they will both be playing in their respective championship games Monday night, 12/20, at the WCHS Tiger Den!
Jefferson Girls vs. Washington @5:00pm
Jefferson Boys vs. Harrison @6:15pm
We would love to have as many Jefferson fans as possible come to root on our teams! Bring your families and friends and some Spartan energy to the games. The cost is $5 for adults to enter the game. We would appreciate as much Jefferson support as we can get. The games should be exciting matches, and it will be a fun atmosphere to support our players and cheerleaders.
Thanks for considering supporting our school, students, and teams! We hope to see you Monday night!
TODAY—Saturday—our Spartan Basketball Teams will be participating in the Elementary Tournament that is being held at WCHS in the T-RAC facility. Everyone is invited to come out to cheer on our teams. The admission is free, and concessions will be available. It will be an exciting environment with four games going on at a time!
Here are the times for our Spartan matches:
9:00 AM—Boys game vs. Lincoln (Court 1)
10:15 AM—Girls game vs. Lincoln (Court 3)
12:00 PM—If either/both of our teams win their 1st game, they will play at this time for a 2nd game.
2nd grade project: States of Matter
5th grade owl pellet dissections!
UPDATE: Mrs. Aylor's and Mrs. Welch's Reader's Theatre performances will be unable to accommodate any visitors today. A link will be shared for viewing.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 574-267-7361. Thank you!
Today is FRIDAY, December 17, 2021 — Crazy Clothes/Ugly Sweater Day!
Lunch: Chicken Leg with a blueberry muffin or Yogurt Meal, broccoli with cheese, veggie juice, choice of fruit, and milk.
Activities: Mrs Welch's and Mrs Aylor's classes are having their Readers Theatre @ 3:15.
Saturday: Cheer on the Basketball Teams as they start the Tournament!
Monday: Twin/Triplet or Spartan Spirit Day!
Mrs. Engler, our amazing Music Teacher, has shared her personal nutcracker collection with the Jefferson Family during this holiday season. What a treat!