At Warsaw Community Schools, the staff of the Transportation Department safely transports and interacts with a diverse student population, while maintaining timely and cost-efficient schedules for school, training and extra-curricular activities using the best equipment possible. In transporting the children of Warsaw Community Schools, the highest priority shall be given to the physical safety, health, and welfare of each student. Remember that where safety is concerned, it is a privilege and not a right to ride a school bus.
Our goal at the Transportation Department is to continuously review our routes and bus stops to help ensure the safety of all WCS students. It is very important that we have updated information for your student (s). Please remember when you change your address or phone number, to contact your student’s school as soon as possible with the changes. This information is shared with Transportation and will ensure correct routing and quick contact in case of problems and emergencies. If you have questions concerning your student’s route or bus stop, please contact WCS at (574) 269-1750.
Student and Parent Responsibilities
1. The student should cooperate with the driver by being courteous and calm, using a normal tone of voice, never using profanities or obscenities, and observe the same conduct as in the classroom. All school rules apply. Disrespectful or indecent conduct will not be tolerated.
2. At no time will male and female students be seated together unless it is a sibling with written consent on file.
3. Students are not to eat or drink on the bus and are to help keep the bus clean.
4. Students must not be destructive. Camera equipment is not to be touched by students.
5. The use of alcohol, tobacco including e-cigarettes and vaping devices, gum, drugs, matches, weapons, etc. or the visibility of the same is not allowed.
6. Students are to sit in their seats, facing the front of the bus.
7. Students are to keep their heads, hands, and feet inside the bus. No windows will be opened without permission from the driver.
8. The bus driver will assign seats to every student.
9. The bus driver has the right to refuse to transport anything on the bus that may disrupt or interfere with the safety of normal everyday student transportation. (IE: animals, large boxes, large posters, skateboards, ski equipment, glass containers, balloons, etc.)
10. It is unlawful for students to tamper with or circumvent emergency exits or alarms or any other safety device on the bus.
11. When it is necessary to cross the street, students must always cross in front of the bus and wait for the bus driver to signal.
12. The driver is only permitted to transport eligible students to and from authorized bus stops. Exceptions will be considered only with Principal or Director of Transportation approved alternate transportation forms or an Emergency Pass that are available in the principal’s office. Emergency considerations will be made as necessary.
13. The student should be waiting at his/her stop when the bus arrives. However, if the student is not visible, the driver will stop momentarily, then proceed on.
14. Any infractions will be forwarded to administrators for disciplinary review. Transportation does not impose punishment.